Lista członków - Corporate

Appol Sp. zo.o.
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O Firmie: Appol Sp. z o.o. is a company belonging to the APPOL Group, owned by Zhonglu Europe.
For over 20 years of experience, the APPOL Group has become one of the leaders in the fruit processing industry in Poland.
Modern production plants located in Łąkta Górna, Opole Lubelskie, and Potycz, put the Company at the forefront of European producers of NFC juices and fruit juices concentrates, and the location in the center of the largest fruit growing region in Europe gives unlimited possibilities for further business development.
Using a convenient location, the company bases its production mainly on raw materials from the local base. Ecologically clean area, modern technologies and world-class technical facilities are the company's main assets. Permanent laboratory supervision ensures high quality of finished products and gives the customers and the company a sense of security.
Most of Appol Group's revenues are generated by export sales. In addition to its strong position in Europe, the company dynamically develops export sales to other destinations, especially to the USA. Annually, the company produces more than 20 000 MT NFC juice, and 20 000 MT AJC.
Appol has qualified employees. The average number of employees during the year is 100 people.
Significant autonomy of production plants in connection with centralized sales, accounting and quality control departments ensures high operational efficiency of the Group.