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Rongstar Energy Sp.zo.o
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O Firmie: 荣世星能源集团成立于2016年,由太阳能光伏、储能和电动汽车充电行业的资深专家组成。公司秉承“贸易全球化、仓储本地化、服务本地化”的理念,致力于为全球客户提供新能源产品的本地化仓储、分装、物流、系统设计、销售和售后服务。集团总部位于厦门,在深圳、香港、德国、波兰、越南等地设有仓储中心,配备专业的本地团队,覆盖欧洲、香港和东南亚市场,为客户提供专业、快捷、高效的太阳能光伏一站式服务。 荣世星能源的团队很自豪能在全球太阳能发展中发挥作用,为我们的安装商和批发商提供高品质的太阳能组件和无与伦比的本土化服务。 Rongstar Energy Group was founded in 2016 by a team of senior experts in the fields of solar photovoltaic, energy storage and EV Charging industries. Adhering to the concept of "Globalized Trading, Localized Warehousing, Localized Service", the company is committed to providing customers around the world with localized warehousing, repackaging, logistics, system design, sales and after-sales services for new energy products. The company is headquartered in Xiamen, and has warehousing centers in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Germany, Poland,Vietnam, etc., equipped with professional local team, covering Europe, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia markets, to provide customers with professional, fast and efficient one-stop services.
At Rongstar Energy we are proud to play a part in the global solar energy development. We supply installers and wholesalers with top quality solar components and offer a level of local customer service that is unrivalled within the solar wholesale industry.
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